








  • 步伐正在加快

  • 议院会议

  • 农村党团会议

  • 本周行动

  • 利息账单

  • 2022年农业普查

  • 灭鼠行动警报

  • 鹿滋扰意见



周一, 1月23日, legislators returned to the gold dome for legislative day 5 as we resumed the 2023 session. Following budget week and the beginning of appropriations hearings, 国会大厦周围的事态正在加速发展. 立法者已经开始提出法案, 各委员会正在举行第一次会议, 会议正在顺利进行.

肯普州长在立法第7天的参众两院联席会议上发表了国情咨文. 肯普州长强调了我们州的成功,并将这一成功归功于格鲁吉亚人的辛勤工作以及大会两院的两党合作. While highlighting economic prosperity and job growth in the state, 他承认,熟练劳动力短缺和缺乏劳动力住房是我们经济面临的一些最大挑战. 在整个讲话中,他祝贺格鲁吉亚人民在他的第一个任期内取得的成就,并将这些成就与他投资教育的优先事项联系起来, 支持执法, and improving the quality of healthcare during his second term.

This week ended on Thursday, January 26th, with legislative day 8. 佐治亚州农场局(GFB)将继续每天在国会大厦,以促进佐治亚州的农业和代表我们的成员.



This week the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee, chaired by Rep. Robert Dickey (R-Musella), held their first meeting of the new legislative session. Due to the large number of freshmen legislators in the General Assembly, most committees are made up of quite a few new faces. The House Ag Committee is no different, with 9 out of the 28 members being new to the committee. 迪基主席让成员们绕着房间做自我介绍,并允许几个农业组织在委员会面前作证,介绍一下我们的工作和我们代表的人. 主席解释说,这些组织, 包括十大靠谱网赌官方平台, work to ensure the future of agriculture remains strong and can serve as a resource to the committee. GFB looks forward to working with the House Agriculture Committee throughout this legislative session. Please click below to see who will be serving on the committee this session.




农村核心小组本周举行了第一次会议,众议院和参议院的成员周二聚集在一起共进午餐. 农村党团会议, 联合国大会最大的党团会议, 是由代表我们农村社区和农业利益的立法者组成的,并为他们提供一个有效的途径来讨论对我们成员社区重要的政策思想. 这次会议,代表. John Corbett (R-Lake Park) will serve as the Chair of the caucus with Rep. Debbie Buckner (D-Junction City) serving as Vice Chair. 佐治亚州农业综合企业理事会与佐治亚州水果和蔬菜种植者协会一起主办了今年的第一次会议. 佐治亚州农业局将于3月8日与佐治亚州保护区协会共同主办农村核心小组午餐会.



HB 53:
该法案将设立国家林农注册委员会,作为隶属于国家林业委员会的独立机构,用于管理目的. 目前 the Board is under the professional licensing boards division of the Secretary of State's office.
Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee on 1/23/2023


HB 73:
Reps Gullett, Parsons, Thomas, Anderson, Meeks, and others
该法案涉及确保分布式能源发电系统的买方和卖方之间的透明度, 包括太阳能采购, and ensuring access to educational information surrounding contracts and agreements for such systems.
分配到房屋能源,公用事业 & 2023年1月25日电讯事务委员会会议


HR 32:
Reps Balinger, Jasperse, Ridley, Byrd, Thomas, Scoggins
本决议表彰雪莉·帕尔, program coordinator and office manager for the Cherokee County Farm Bureau, 表彰她与立法者的合作, 县内领导, 并致力于为她的社区服务. 州众议院议员祝贺她退休,并致以最良好的祝愿.


SR 18:
这项决议承认2月21日, 2023, as FFA Day at the Capitol and acknowledges the positive impact that FFA has on youth in Georgia.


SR 36:
Sens Walker, Goodman, Dixon, Echols, Sims, Anderson, and others
庆祝2月8日, 2023, 作为国会大厦的4-H日,并纪念今年组织内优秀学生的成就.





HB 33:
代表Camp, Mathiak, Lim, Au和Cameron
该法案将建立国家兽医委员会,使其成为隶属于农业部的独立机构,用于管理目的. 国家兽医委员会是乔治亚州兽医的许可委员会. 目前, 该委员会在行政上隶属于国务秘书,隶属于专业执照委员会司. 该法案将为该委员会设立一个执行董事的职位,并赋予他们聘请外部调查人员检查兽医诊所的权力, 设备, 流动诊所.
Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee on 1/23/2023





The USDA's 2022年农业普查 is officially underway, and they need your response to make sure all farm families are being counted. You have until February 6, 2023 to submit your information. 乔治亚州农民的参与至关重要, as policymakers use this data to make both federal and local decisions impacting farm programs, 资金, 农作物十大靠谱网赌官方平台费率, 农村发展, 灾难援助, 农业法案, 还有更多. 还记得, 所收集的所有个人信息将保密,不会用于美国农业部数据收集以外的任何其他方式. 

尽管这项调查似乎势不可挡, each producer only has to complete the sections that pertains to their operation. You can submit your questionnaire online or by mail. 下面是一个链接,将允许您访问在线门户网站-你所需要的是你的唯一的调查代码. If you do not have the survey code from the form mailed to you, please call 888-424-7828 to obtain your code over the telephone.


一旦你有了你的调查代码, please follow the steps below to complete the 2022年农业普查.

  1. 登陆www.agcounts.美国农业部.政府
  2. 在框中输入12位的调查代码
  3. 选择我的有效调查
  4. Select the link that says UNITED STATES 2022 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE
  5. Verify the contact information is correct and select ADDRESS VERIFIED - START SURVEY, 或通过选择“make corrections”进行更正
    1.  如果你做了操作, 操作符, 或联络资料更正, 选择保存更改-开始调查
  6. Complete the census through the Conclusion section and select Submit Survey

All census information must be submitted by February 6, 2023 so be sure to complete yours in time.




乔治亚州自然资源部野生动物资源司(WRD)正在征求公众意见,以制定2023-2025年狩猎季节的狩猎法规提案. 由于鹿的捕食和由此造成的作物破坏对我们州的农民造成了极大的影响, 我们鼓励您通过倡导扩大限制和季节日期以及优先收获does来表达您对这些建议的意见. 意见可通过电子邮件提交给总经理.comments@dnr.ga.政府 or by written letter mailed to the following address:


Dr. 蒂娜Johannsen
美国公路2067号. 278, SE


All comments must be received by 4:30 pm on February 6, 2023.



环境保护署(EPA)目前正在接受关于几种灭鼠剂临时注册审查决定的意见. 包括在决定中, 环保署将把几乎所有的抗凝血灭鼠剂归类为限制使用产品(RUPs),并要求对其使用进行认证. 这可能会减少这些产品在当前零售商的可用性,并增加额外的成本, time, 为格鲁吉亚的农民提供人力. 我们敦促您点击下面的“采取行动”链接向EPA提交意见,让他们知道继续获得灭鼠剂对您的运营很重要. 您可以随意定制信息,让EPA了解这些产品对您的经济和安全影响. The deadline to provide feedback is February 13, 2023.




This year's 乔治亚州农场局 Day at The Capitol is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14th. 我们希望你们能借此机会和我们一起在州议会大厦倡导乔治亚州的农业,并与你们的立法者以及来自全州各地的其他农业局成员见面.

The event will begin at 9:30am in the Blue Room at The Georgia Freight Depot. 车站位于马丁·路德·金大街. Drive just northwest of the Capitol, at Underground Atlanta. 下面的方向, 我们鼓励大家去国会大厦拜访你们的立法者,并邀请他们在中午和你们一起回到火车站享用午餐. 我们将向所有议员发出邀请, but a personal invitation from you would be especially helpful.

Complimentary security parking is located at the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel parking deck, 位于东北考特兰街165号, 从早上8点开始会有班车.m. 直到下午三点.m.



Please see below for a list of upcoming events related to Georgia Agriculture:

  • 2月1日:乔治亚州农业综合企业委员会早餐 
  • 2月6日至7日:国会森林日
  • February 14: 乔治亚州农场局 Day at the Capitol
  • 2月21日:乔治亚州FFA日在国会大厦举行
  • 3月1日:PB&我的一天 
  • 3月6日:乔治亚州牛人牛排饼干日


不是十大靠谱网赌官方平台的成员? 加入今天!

The 乔治亚州农场局 Federation has a membership of almost 250,000 and serves as state's the largest general farm organization.  Our goal is to provide leadership and assistance to the agricultural sector, 推广农产品, 协助农业相关采购, to be a spokesman for the farmer in the legislative arena, to be a leader in the development and expansion of farm markets, and to strive for more agricultural research and educational funds and facilities.

成员遍布乔治亚州159个县, 乔治亚州农场局 is dedicated to promoting and improving agriculture in our counties, 不断改进和扩大我们的十大靠谱网赌官方平台服务计划,以提高所有格鲁吉亚人的生活质量.

十大靠谱网赌官方平台 佐治亚州农场局向所有人开放. You don't need to be a farmer or have insurance with us to join Farm Bureau!

If you would like to become a member of 乔治亚州农场局, 你现在就可以在网上注册十大靠谱网赌官方平台了! We have a simple application process, and you can be our newest member in just a couple of minutes. 点击下面的按钮或使用我们的 县办事处定位 找离你最近的办公室.



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